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執筆者の写真medicaproject 医療福祉ライター今村美


父親の入院やら、超体育会系吹奏楽部に所属する娘のマーチングの大会直前のコロナ発熱やらで、すーっかり遠い日のことのようにすら思える鹿児島での『教えて!HTLV-1のこと』シリーズ3冊の出版記念パーティー。でもよく考えてみればまだ10日程度しか経っていない。 このシリーズの編者であるNPO法人日本からHTLV-1ウイルスをなくす会「スマイルリボン」の菅付加代子さんとシリーズ1である『成人T細胞性白血病(ATL)のこと』の著者である宇都宮與先生との出会いはもう15年程前。








菅付さんもまた人を巻き込む天才なのだけれど、まんまと巻き込まれてしまった一人です。 With my father hospitalized and my daughter who belongs to a super-athletic brass band, suffering from a coronary fever just before a marching competition, the party in Kagoshima to celebrate the publication of the three books in the "Tell Me About HTLV-1" series seemed like a distant memory. But when I think about it, only about 10 days have passed.

It was about 15 years ago when I met Ms. Kayoko Sugatsuke of the NPO Smile Ribbon, the editor of this series, and Dr. Atae Utsunomiya, the author of the first book in the series, "About Adult T-Cell Leukemia (ATL).

At the time, "mogamulizumab," a treatment for ATL, a blood cancer caused by the HTLV-1 virus, was still in the clinical trial stage, but a new drug for ATL, an intractable blood cancer, was expected to be available soon, and Ms. Sugatsuki and Dr. Utsunomiya were asked for their assistance in the research process.

The doctors I met through my interviews of cancer and home healthcare are all full of passion for patients and enthusiasm as medical professionals, and Dr. Utsunomiya, who graduated from medical school the same year ATL was discovered and has been working on ATL ever since.

In the background, as more young people are moving to urban areas, the number of HTLV-1 virus carriers and patients with ATL or with HAM, a neurological intractable disease, caused by the virus are increasing, not only in Kyushu but also in urban areas such as Tokyo and Osaka. However, the distribution of ATL and HAM has become more widespread in southern Kyushu, especially in Kagoshima, which is a regional characteristic.

In addition to ATL, the probability of cure for hematologic cancers has improved dramatically thanks to advances in therapeutic treatments, but it is no exaggeration to say that becoming a hematologist in those days was synonymous with having no choice but to shed tears of frustration because there was no hope of cure and no way to help patients who were suffering from severe pain. This is a common feeling among the hematologists interviewed.

Because the advances in therapeutics and treatments are certainly driven by the desire of scientists, including doctors, who truly wanted to help patients suffering from diseases, I take the stance that I would respect medicine based on scientific correctness, even if medicine is only the most certain thing we know now and always includes ongoing uncertainties. Of course, I also would like to carefully scoop up what spills out of that.


I was going to introduce the books, but never mind, that's also what I wanted to share, so I'll introduce the books and talk about Ms. Sugatsuki next time.

Ms. Sugatsuki is also a genius at getting people involved, and I am one of those people!




たそがれて(黄昏て)るんじゃない あまがれて(雨がれて)るんだ と、橋の上に止まって雨に打たれるハトを見て、キミはいう. なかなかに愉快なハトだねとキミはいうけれど、キミの世界の切り取り方が愉快なだけ. 今日もキミが朝から愉快に紡ぐことばに、一日思い出し笑い....

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me! というわけで、四捨五入してアラフィフ突入. 子どもの頃から早く年を重ねたくてしかたなかったけれども、 人生100年時代、四捨五入してようやく折り返し地点. よく生かされてきたといえばいいのか、まだまだこれからといえばいいのか....

Life Story

だれかの人生を物語に仕立てていくことのおもしろさを知ってしまったので、いま書いている本の原稿を書き上げたら、また別のだれかの人生を物語にしようと思う。 別のだれかというより、またもや「次は私の物語を書いて」といわれたその人の人生があまりにもおもしろいから、その人の人生を物語...


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